I’m Joe Albano, owner of Northeast Chimney Sweeps of Woburn, MA. It’s an honor, a privilege and a pleasure to serve you!
Before you reach out for assistance, I’d like to give you an idea of what to expect from Northeast Chimney Sweeps. I hope that what follows will help you to know if we’ll be a good fit for you.
We are a small business with a limited number of appointment slots available. Yes!… we are always interested in making new clients, but we purposely restrict of service categories and service area. In order to be great at our core of services, we must decline some requests due to project type or location. This may mean that we won’t be able to help you, though I hope not.
Northeast Chimney Sweeps works in about one dozen towns surrounding Woburn, Massachusetts. We limit our service offerings to a core of items which you will see listed in our Service Request Form.
our way of doing business
In a trade that has been long associated with aggressive salesmanship, we have sought to distinguish ourselves from the others by:
- understanding people respond better to honesty and fairness and deserve to be treated as I (the owner) would expect in my own home, with respect, care and friendliness.
- never pushing or pressuring anyone – our job is to assess, advise and then to execute when asked.
- being characterized by neatness, attention to detail, code compliance and first-time competence.
You are the boss and we report to you.
If this is attractive to you, visit our company Facebook page showcasing our style, attitude, and commitment to quality work. For a FUN view of some of our past adventures, please take a look. I’ll bet be a good fit for each other.
Why so popular?
We’ve been serving the good people of Woburn and surrounding towns since 1978. We do no paid advertising, no mailings, no coupons and we will never, ever call you to solicit your business.
If you ever receive such a call (even by a company with a similar name) that call did not come from us!
By now, you’ve probably figured out that we’re a little different. I hope you are a future client who values a better approach to the honorable trade of chimney service.
We’re sure you will “Like” our company’s Facebook page showcasing our style, attitude and commitment to quality work. For a FUN view of some our past adventures, visit our page .
To set you at ease
Having work performed in your home can actually be an enjoyable experience.
Northeast Chimney Sweeps makes every appointment a smooth and predictable one.
We come prepared to perform the service you ordered and never press you to do more than what you requested.
During an inspection or other service appointment, your questions will be answered directly and fully.
Project proposals are written clearly with a full description of what you may expect.
Prices quoted for your specific job are exact to the dollar, with no surprises.
Our way of doing business has resulted in making a lot of happy customers, but it has also created a problem – incredible demand! We’re thankful for this, and hope that you will bear with a reasonable wait time.
By filling out a Service Request Form, you help us to keep your inquiry in order. We do our best to reply in as short a time as possible – usually within a day or two of your sent form, excluding weekends and holidays. There are other chimney companies that may be able to give you faster service. If you feel able to wait a little longer in order to work with us, we’d be honored.
wait, wait…! Before you fill out that Form!
I’ve tried to give you all you need to know about our way of doing business. We work very hard to be what you expect and deserve. Now, it’s your turn.
Truth be told, we are probably not the best fit for a client who:
- is looking for the cheapest price.
- does not have a commitment to best safety practices.
- is unable to wait just a bit for an open appointment slot.
- does not respect the expectation of payment due upon job completion.
- forgets that a booked appointment equals our investment in you – we need reasonable access to the work area and for you to provide that access by being home or providing a key or code for entry.
Please look over the following service schedule for a list of services and pricing, and then proceed to the Service Request Form if you’d like to push ahead.
Schedule of services
Cleaning Services:
- Fireplace, smoke chamber, damper and flue cleaning ($315) every 2-3 years.
- Oil Burner (boiler / furnace): pipe and flue cleaning ($315) every 4-5 years.
- Gas Burner (boiler and furnace): pipe and flue cleaning ($315) every 8-10 years.
- WoodStove: pipe and flue cleaning ($315) every 1-2 years.
- Fireplace Ash Pit Cleanout – March 15th – June 30th only, $315 base cost + $50 per 1/2 contractor bag of ash. This includes the disposal of the ash. Flue cleaning is separate.
Multi-Cleaning discounts – $315 for the first and $30 off second and subsequent flues done at the same appointment.
Inspection services (Fee and Non-fee):
Inspection Services (Fee-based):
Detailed report with recommendations and pricing will follow via email according to the schedules below.
Inspection performed inside, outside, from rooftop to cellar/fireplace(s).
Inside access is required. Payment due at time of inspection.
Types of Inspections:
- Real Estate Sale Inspection ($450) – email report issued within 48 hours.
- Comprehensive Inspection / Consultation ($400) – email report and proposed work within 7-10 business days.
- Town Inspector Inspection – ($150) – to provide proof of inspection in order to satisfy town inspector for new heating appliance, such as a gas-fired water-heater or boiler* (This is not in place of a Comprehensive Inspection above.)
*Note that flue and appliance installation must be in satisfactory condition in order to receive a passing inspection report. We will otherwise offer measures to correct any defects.
Drive-by Inspection Services (no-fee):
Drive-by Services (no-fee):
Provided on a non-appointment, no-fee basis.
Your permission to stop by (during normal daytime hours, without appointment – between appts) required.
Outside access only.
Recommendations and exact prices sent via email. (up to 6 weeks in high seasons)
Meaure for Chimney Cap – provide price quote
Masonry repair of exterior portion of chimney brickwork – provide price quote
Flue liner price quote (sometimes requires inside access or photo of boiler room)
Ready? please fill out the secure and confidential –